H&M fashions itself greener

After my hurried walk down four blocks from my office into the evening sun, I dash out of the parking garage to head home. With high hopes to make in time for dinner I punch my radio dial to share my drives home with my local broadcast of NPR. This evening’s marketplace had a really intriguing story about H&M and I wanted to share with you.

H&M moves away from some water-proofing chemicals | Marketplace.org

They make a great point about “disposable fashion” nevertheless I still think it’s super hopeful that companies like H&M are making these strides.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could have the same symbols we have on food to know if our clothes were fair trade or organic or if they had a little bit less of an impact on our environment?! What do you think?

Note: please forgive any grammatical errors I put this post together while sitting in traffic using the WordPress app and the speaker function on my iPhone. I love technology.